12 February 2012

Hygia Bottom Bracket: First impressions

Directly from Taiwan, Hygia sent us its stylish, light and Shimano compatible bottom bracket.
Apart from being a really nice product, what surprised me more was its own mounting system. When you see such a bottom bracket, you might ask – How should I mount this in my bike?!
Traditional Shimano HollowTech bottom brackets have a set of external slots to perform the installation. The stylish Hygia Bottom Brackets have the same slots but in its internal face and hidden by the external bearing.
To install them, it is needed to extract the external bearing (using your hands without using any additional tool) and screw the bottom bracket to the frame using an ISIS System Tool.
The innovative and smart system is not only based on a good style, but on a functional point of view, too. It is easier to clean and the bearings can be easily replaced.

An isolated comment deserve its bearings, they have a couple of internal rubber washers to provide an excellent adjustment with the axle of our Shimano cranks.
Finally, it bears mentioning its lightness (85 gr. approximately) and its smooth running.

I have the impression of having a really nice and efficient product that will go with me during the next trainings and races.
GARVÍA BIKE – CENTRO TIR is really grateful for the Hygia support to face an amazing and hard MTB season during 2012.